Lin Clark on WebAssembly
Today I will talk about the podcast “Lin Clark on WebAssembly” by Software Engineering Radio in the year 2018. First they started the interview asking Lin Clark about her life, what she did and what she is actually working on. Then she started talking about WebAssembly, and how it is faster than javascript because this was not created to be so. That’s why WebAssembly optimizes the efficiency of JS when running on browsers. She said that the original use case of WebAssembly was visualization, but now is being used in other use cases. This language it's not an assembly language because it is targeting a conceptual machine, it’s a compiler target. So we write in a language that compiles to WebAssembly. When using it most people use C/C++ or Rust, those languages are way more subtle to it because they don't have garbash support and using another language will mean writing a garbage collector which I don’t think anyone will want, not even the interviewer. Something that I di...